With this career choice in mind, I looked into the ways I could get my foot in the door in this type of job. There are some apprenticeships running for 'Venue Technicians' and 'Scenic Carpenters' around London, which would be ideal, however there don't seem to be any spaces open currently due to COVID, and competition for them would be high. I have also looked into local theatres near me for any opportunities to get work experience, such as helping build props or sets. Again, everything is currently closed due to COVID so there is no work here. I have put together emails and sent them out to theatres and will hopefully get a response when they open up again.
In the emails I ask whether there are any internships, apprenticeships or work experience opportunities once lockdown restrictions are eased. I also mention how my skills from the Animation course can apply to the roles that I'm looking to get into. I also added myself to a few mailing lists to get notified if placements for these roles turn up.
I emailed the following theatres/apprentice companies and now awaiting responses:
- Watford Palace Theatre
- Watford Pump House
- Watford Colosseum
- The Globe
- The National Theatre
- Leeds Playhouse
- Royal Shakespeare Company
I'll be emailing more theatres as and when I find them.
What Went Well
- The course is helping me to narrow down the exact career that I want
- This process has helped practise my networking skills
- I've kept the search local so far for easy commuting
- With COVID, all opportunities to work in this career are currently unavailable. It also means the theatres may take a longer time to respond
- It can seem a large task trying to find somewhere that will accept me for that first bit of work experience
- Some of the apprenticeship schemes don't accept people taking degrees