I have teamed up with Madgie, Harry and Daisy to produce a 90 second animated documentary. I chose that we did the documentary on deforestation, as this is a very important issue within the topic of sustainability. I also chose it because I learnt a lot about it from Geography A Level and found it a very interesting topic. We decided to narrow down the topic to deforestation in the Indonesian rainforest as this is where some of the highest rates of deforestation is occurring, which in turn is having huge impacts on carbon stores and climate change globally.
With the idea sorted, we pitched it to the class and got a good response from the tutors. They said it would be a good concept to go forward with and that we were organised for having decided on the mode the documentary would take, our roles and the people that we'd get in contact with for information.
Between the four of us, we split up our areas of research into palm oil (the main crop responsible for forest clearance in Indonesia), slash and burn technique (how they clear the forest), the financial/social side to deforestation (how many Indonesian people rely on this process), and I researched the impact deforestation has on carbon stores.
I also went back to my old Geography A Level folder and emailed my old geography teachers for more information.
Once I compiled all the research I needed, I created a moodboard of the style I want the animation to be in. I want the documentary to start out as a realistic stop-motion forest set, and throughout the animation, I want the landscape to become more barren (represented through the use of collage). The collage style will link to deforestation through the fact the material is paper (another reason deforestation occurs).
The more research I did, the more I considered the ethics of making the documentary. The lesson we had on ethics conveyed how we needed to protect the rights of the individuals and topics we are focusing on, which can be achieved through the editing, storytelling and way we interpret this issue. I want the documentary to be a warning about how this is such a serious environmental issue, yet at the same time, not making it too pessimistic. Then again, conveying the issue too positively would be just as bad, as it would leave the viewer feeling that they needn't have to take any action after having watched it. This will be an important thing to get right in the script.
What Went Well
- I'm familiar with the issue of deforestation because of Geography A Level
- Splitting up the research is more efficient and gets everyone familiar with the topic
- With all of us creating moodboards, we can pick and choose the style we like
- There is loads of research online about deforestation in Indonesia
- The realistic sets may be over-ambitious but with a team of four I believe we can create something good
- Coming up with a message that is both a warning about this issue yet not overly pessimistic/upbeat will be a challenge