First and second test:
There was a good build up in the wave however it ends abruptly when it gets to the end of the table. The motion is very jumpy for a phenomena like water that flows so smoothly in real life. There are also no trough areas, where gravity would act on the water, unlike with the bin liner, which is too light to be impacted enough by gravity over such a small surface area.
Third test:
Much better build up in the wave, with a much smoother flow, due to the increased number of frames. The trough areas are evident in this test due to the skewer ends having been glued to the bin liner to better control it. The beginning to the wave build up however is a little slow compared to the speed of the rest of the wave.
Third test in post-production:
This is close to how the final animation is going to look, however the wave pattern doesn't loop yet and it doesn't have the cloud backdrop and ocean sounds added. The spray however adds to the illusion that it's moving waves.
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