Monday, 6 April 2020

Evaluate Presentation

I have finished preparing the 10-minute presentation about myself and the year I've had in Leeds. I found this task useful for looking back on what I've done and for seeing how I can still improve in the future. This has also helped me to put down on paper possible paths I may take in animation, as there are aspects I enjoy more than others.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Adventure Animation Post-Production

This week I completed the animation. In the post-production, I added sound, and adjusted the colour levels, saturation, contrast... Other effects like the lens flare highlighted the gem. I Photoshopped some stop-motion frames, where the model had torn, to remove these from sight. To improve what I've done, I could get more familiar with After Effects's effects, as there's such a range to use.

This has been my favourite part as all the stages of work have come together to create the finished product.